Umbraco v14 release, uSync for v14 release, Contenment for v14 alpha release, Codegarden week and more...

UMB.FYI 2024-06-05


Umbraco HQ

📰 Umbraco 14 Release

Umbraco 14 introduces a new foundation for the CMS, extension-first approach, future-proof technology, headless capabilities, familiar UI, and STS version. Umbraco Cloud now supports Umbraco 14 and new add-ons. The documentation has been updated to reflect the changes.



📰 Skrift issue #106

Featuring guest posts by Jack Chamberlain on "Charting a course through spatial data: A practical guide to using SQL Server for speedy spatial searching" and Jason Prothero on "Introducing the TinyMCE Umbraco Premium Package"
📰 Routing in Umbraco Part 2: Content Finders

The article discusses how to change the path of Umbraco nodes using IContentFinder and IUrlProvider, providing examples and instructions for implementing and registering these providers to alter the URL and handle inbound requests effectively.
📰 Routing in Umbraco Part 1: URL segments

Umbraco allows customization of URL structure by creating a class implementing IUrlSegmentProvider, enabling modification of URL behavior, such as adding a blog post's creation year to the URL. This can be achieved by using the content's CreateDate property and registering the custom URL segment provider.
📰 Scaffold Umbraco V14+ Package Development Project with Vite, TypeScript & Lit

Warren Buckley shares a PowerShell script to scaffold Umbraco V14+ projects with Vite, TypeScript, and Lit, automating project setup and client-side tooling. The script automates gitignore creation, solution setup, Umbraco templates installation, project creation, Vite setup, file removal, config file creation, script updates, npm package installation, and solution build.
📰 Reset Umbraco user passwords - code free!

Umbraco's admin password reset has become simpler. Just click "Forgotten password?" on the login screen. For email access, set appsettings or use a local SMTP server. If email is unknown, check the database.
📰 Umbraco 14 has now been released

Umbraco 14, the latest release, brings a new backoffice experience with improved performance and customization options, built with TypeScript and Web Components. It's a Standard-Term Support version with a shorter lifecycle, offering significant backoffice changes and a new Management API. Umbraco Cloud also offers updates to Workflow, Forms, Deploy, and Commerce. It's recommended to migrate to Umbraco 13 before upgrading to Umbraco 14 for an easier process.


Watch & Listen

📺 Unboxing Umbraco 14

Umbraco 14 introduces a significant update, featuring a new back office architecture named Bellisima, built on .NET 8. Key improvements include a comprehensive management API, a uniform JSON response system, and enhanced extension capabilities using web components. The release also brings breaking changes like the removal of XSLT and updates to the management API controllers.
📺 umbraCoffee - MAY the force be with you v14!

UmbraCoffee discusses the latest release, Umbraco 14, highlighting significant updates and improvements. The release is described as the largest ever, resulting from years of development. The episode also covers the challenges faced during the transition, developer experiences, and future plans for further improvements.



📆 Umbraco Melbourne - June 2024 Meetup

2024-06-05 from 18:00 to 19:30 - Online on other
📆 Codegarden

DOK5000, Havnegade 20, 5000 Odense, Denmark - Monday, June 10, 2024 12:00 AM - Saturday, June 15, 2024 12:00 AM



📦 BlendInteractive.Umbraco.AltTextAi

Integrates the AltTextAI service to automatically fill in an alt text field on all uploaded images.
📦 umApp

UmApp provides a quick and easy way for developers and digital agencies to create a mobile app version of your Umbraco website.
📦 Umbraco.Community.MaintenanceMode

Put your site in Maintenance Mode while you do upgrades





UMB.FYI, Unit 128100, PO Box 4336, Manchester, M61 0BW