Lee Kelleher

Lee Kelleher

Lee is a long time Umbraco community collaborator, he works for Umbraco HQ as a Staff Engineer on the CMS team.



📰 Umbraco Bellissima WIP articles

Umbraco's new backoffice, Bellissima, is set for release in May 2024. To aid future extension developers, a list of work-in-progress links to articles and resources is being compiled. For the most up-to-date list, check out Markus Johansson's resources. Complementary content is also available from Matt Brailsford, Kevin Jump, and Lee Kelleher.

📰 Lee joined Umbraco HQ

After leaving my agency, I explored commercializing my open-source project but found it unsustainable. After freelance work, I joined Umbraco HQ's Bellissima team, focusing on Umbraco 14's backoffice development. I'm now paid to work on open-source projects, realizing my goal.


📰 Lee's opinions on Umbraco + naming things

Lee discusses the challenges of naming things, focusing on text casing styles, general naming conventions, namespaces, .NET libraries, NuGet packages, GitHub repositories, and Umbraco CMS schema style guide. He emphasizes the importance of clear and decisive naming for public-facing web assets and shares personal experiences and best practices for naming conventions in various contexts.


📰 Lee's opinions on Umbraco + coding standards

Programming style evolves with language exposure and project collaborations. Lee recounts style shifts from Sinclair BASIC to Visual Basic to C#. Embracing team preferences for spaces over tabs, newline braces for readability, and explicit Boolean conditions.

📰 Lee's opinions on Umbraco + [topic]

"Strong Opinions, Weakly Held" explores the notion that opinions, like everyone's "behind," are ubiquitous but should be continually examined. Lee, despite his Umbraco MVP status, emphasizes a constant learning mindset and openness to evolving perspectives, setting the stage for forthcoming articles on Umbraco, .NET, and coding standards.

📰 Contentment for Bellissima

The Umbraco package Contentment is migrating to the new backoffice, Bellissima. After Umbraco v14's preview release, Lee faced dilemmas: adapt existing code or start fresh? Compiler errors were fixed for v14, paving the way for potential RCL approach and versioning changes, contemplating v5 and v6 for Umbraco v15 (Bellissima). The .NET multi-targeting method is still under consideration.


📦 Contentment v4.5.0

Data picker editor, backoffice sections data source, disabled content blocks and much more

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