Matt Brailsford

Matt Brailsford

Umbraco Commerce Technical Team Lead @ Umbraco HQ | Co-founder of CODECABIN | Creator of UMB.FYI


📰 Launching the GitHub Discussions Blog Loader for Astro

Matt Brailsford introduces a GitHub Discussions Blog loader, leveraging Astro’s new Content Layer API. This loader simplifies data fetching for blog posts, allowing easy installation via npm. He highlights improvements like multi-author support, category organization, and integration with Astro's markdown processor, encouraging users to explore this setup.

💬 UMB.FYI celebrates it's first birthday


📰 Building a GitHub Discussions Powered Blog

Matt Brailsford explores using GitHub Discussions as a blogging platform, seeking an alternative to due to its increasing spam. He details setting up a repository for blog posts, configuring categories and labels, and utilizing Astro for site creation. Matt highlights features like Markdown support, automated deployments, and comment integration via Giscus.


📰 Deploying TypeScript Type Definitions for Umbraco v14 Packages

Matt Brailsford outlines the process for deploying Umbraco v14 extension type definitions as NPM packages, ensuring type checking for users. Key steps include consolidating types, generating type definitions using TypeScript, rolling them up with API Extractor, packaging the definitions, and defining an import map for proper resolution.


📰 The Challenge of Versioning Expandable API's in Umbraco

Umbraco v12 has introduced headless core products with expansion functionality, allowing selective expansion of nested entity reference objects. However, versioning REST APIs becomes problematic when expansion is taken into account, and Matt Brailsford suggests a date-based versioning strategy.


📰 Using the Command Pattern to Re-Apply Changes to an Observable Model in Umbraco Bellissima

In Umbraco v14, observable models are introduced to provide reactivity for components displaying up-to-date data. To address potential issues with handling user input, Matt Brailsford suggests using the command pattern to encapsulate modifications, store them, and reapply them when needed. This approach ensures user modifications are maintained if the observed model changes.

📰 Enhancing Asynchronous Data Fetching in Umbraco v14 with Lit Async Directives

Umbraco Commerce uses interconnected models for backoffice display, requiring efficient data fetching. Lit's async directives enable easy request handling, improving UI performance and user experience.


📰 Reusing Umbraco Properties in Umbraco v14

In Umbraco v14, when building custom editor UI it can be useful to reuse the existing property editors that Umbraco comes with. In this article Matt Brailsford discusses how to do just that.

📰 Creating your own UI extension points in Umbraco v14 - Part 6: Filters & Conditions

This post discusses controlling the display of "quick actions" in an application using filtering and conditions. Filtering is used to display items based on static attributes, while conditions control display based on dynamic runtime conditions. Custom conditions can also be implemented.

💬 UMB.FYI reaches it's 30th newsletter!


📰 Creating your own UI extension points in Umbraco v14 - Part 4: Interchangeable Elements

This post discusses how to enable the replacement of elements with a custom user controls in Umbraco v14. It covers updating the manifest definition, implementing the required interface, and overriding the default element with a custom component. Developers can now replace the default button element and update the manifest to use the custom component instead.

📰 Creating your own UI extension points in Umbraco v14 - Part 5: Kinds

In this post, we explore the use of "kinds" to create reusable manifest definitions, reducing repetition in manifest definitions by preconfiguring settings. Kinds are registered with the extensions registry and used to prepopulate properties in manifests.


📰 Creating your own UI extension points in Umbraco v14 - Part 3: Customizable APIs

The post discusses enabling developers to override default button behavior in Umbraco v14 by updating manifest definitions, UI components, and API implementations, allowing complete customization of button behavior. Next, it hints at exploring swapping out the button component entirely in the next post.

📰 Creating your own UI extension points in Umbraco v14 - Part 2: Extension Slots

Matt Brailsford discusses componentizing quick actions by creating a web component with a manifest property, registering the component globally, and using umb-extension-slot to render quick actions. Next, he plans to explore customizing the buttons' click handler.


📰 Simplifying Imports with TypeScript Path Aliases in Umbraco v14

Matt Brailsford suggests using TypeScript path aliases to simplify import paths. This blog post explains how to set up and integrate path aliases in TypeScript and Vite for Umbraco package developers.

📰 Creating your own UI extension points in Umbraco v14 - Part 1: The Basics

Matt Brailsford discusses creating UI extensions in Umbraco v14, focusing on "Quick Action" buttons. He defines a manifest interfaces and implementations, register them, and renders the quick action buttons. Future posts will explore further customization options.

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